Strawberries and Cream Overnight Oats

By 6:42 PM


1/2 cup of rolled oats (not instant, not steel cut)
1/2 cup of milk of your choice (I used coconut milk. Other options are regular milk, soy, almond, or rice milk)
1 tablespoon of chia or flax seeds (I used chia seeds)
1 tablepoon of sweetener (I used coconut sugar. Honey or maple syrup are also good here.)
1/4 cup of hulled and halved strawberries

Add in the oats, milk, seeds, and sugar into your container. I'm using a KORKEN jar from Ikea for ease of transportation during hectic mornings.

Add strawberries in. I probably have more than 1/4 cup because why not?

Stir it all together and let it sit overnight(!) and not more than 3 days before consuming. 

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